Newseum, Washington D.C. / 2008

The Newseum, situated between the White House and the U.S. Capitol, was a groundbreaking museum that focused on the fundamentals of journalism, encompassing the "who, what, when, where, and how." It made a bold statement by showcasing the 45 words of the First Amendment, engraved on a towering 75-foot tablet of Tennessee marble facing Pennsylvania Avenue.

RAA was commissioned to develop an incredibly informative experience that utilized the Newseum's extensive collection, including over 40,000 print news items, 200,000-plus photographic prints and negatives, and more than 22,000 objects related to news gathering and the freedoms outlined in the First Amendment. Visitors were able to immerse themselves in the history of news, comprehend the vital role of a free press in significant historical events, and understand how the core freedoms of the First Amendment—religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition—relate to their own lives.

In addition, the Newseum boasted two fully operational television broadcast studios complete with editing suites and control rooms, a 535-seat theater, a rooftop conference center, a food court, a distinguished fine-dining restaurant, two gift shops, and administrative offices. The exhibition's infrastructure allowed for daily updates of content in each gallery, ensuring the information remained current and relevant.
CN Core Responsibilities /

/ Physical - Exhibit Designer
/ 3d design, detailing drawings
/ Technology integration

Client / Newsuem
Interior and Exhibit Design / RAA
Architect / Polshek